
Naptime Therapy • a coloring book for mom

Life with young children is… We’ll use the word busy.

A number of other words spring to mind, but they are either not conducive to starting a relaxation session, or not child-friendly enough to leave sitting around the house in a coloring book.

The relaxing benefits of coloring have been well proven.


  • reduces anxiety
  • uses both the logical and creative sides of the brain
  • is meditative, helping to quiet the mental chatter in a restless mind.

But, more important than any of that, coloring is a silent, self-contained activity you can do wherever, whenever and however YOU want. 

So grab some colored pencils, some markers, some broken bits of crayon from under the couch, and whatever free time you have.

Because however much free time you can manage, there’s a page in this book for you.

  • The Fifteen-Minute Therapy section contains drawings that will only take a few minutes to color. Create a little beauty during one of the many, many short breaks in your day.
  • The Naptime Therapy section is for those rare times when you truly have a naptime to yourself.
  • Full-Immersion Therapy drawings are complicated enough to require a block of time.

Click below for a sneak peek at Naptime Therapy

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