
Quick Questions (and intro to the book.)

My dear friends and family, I need your help. As you all know, if you've followed me over to this little corner of the internet, I'm writing a book and hope to self-publish it next year. (If you care about why self-publishing instead of traditional publishing, feel...

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What’s your superpower?

What’s your superpower?

It’s a goal of mine to discover my superpower. I have one, I’m sure of it. But like grey hair and failing eyesight, I think superpowers show up at different times for different people. Since my hair has sparkly highlights of grey and I can no longer read that...

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Reminders from a forgotten toilet brush

Reminders from a forgotten toilet brush

I read in a handwriting analysis book once that people who don’t close their parentheses are the sort of people who don’t finish the things they start. (Who knew you could be analyzed and judged due to poor punctuation? Now, I’m not saying this is true for me, but...

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Life is funny. Not funny, but funny.

I do not think life is funny in a way that means that there is only humor and lightness to life. Every year I live I'm more convinced of the deep pockets of darkness and pain that lie in each of our lives. That darkness has the power to linger and fester and corrode...

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Justifyin’ the lyin’…

Justifyin’ the lyin’…

I'm feeling a little better about the web of lies I've been weaving while trying to be the Tooth Fairy since I remembered this quote from The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.     See? It's all just sharpening my storytelling skills...

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Lessons in Crime

Lessons in Crime

In case any of you are considering embarking on a life of crime, there are some guidelines you should follow. I’m generally pretty honest and aboveboard, but there is one part of my life where I am NOT honest. I am deeply embroiled in the lie that there is a tooth...

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As you wish…

As you wish…

This could be the funniest thing I've seen since long, long ago.

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3 best “I would rather…” quotes from Psych

3 best “I would rather…” quotes from Psych

Psych is, without a doubt, my favorite TV show. Ever. I can watch it over and over. I have. I'm still in mourning that the show ended. Here are my top 3 "I would rather..." quotes from Psych.   Oh! There is one more show I'll watch over and over. I feel some...

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In short, with a theme that supports Post Formats, a user can change how each post looks by choosing a Post Format from a radio-button list. Cadmus supports: Gallery, Link, Image, Quote, Video and Audio post formats.

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