
Since last week we talked about frequentatives being a word from a verb that happens repeatedly, I thought I’d talk about them more.

Repeatedly, actually.

For instance, the verb to crack, if it gets repetitive, turns to the frequentative crackle.

I found three frequentatives that are from movement sort of verbs that we’re all familiar with, but that I never connected the frequentative with the verb itself.


The first is jig and jiggle.

For some reason, this makes me laugh. Dancing a jig is funny. But if you do it repeatedly, you jiggle. At least I would certainly jiggle.


The second is wrest and wrestle.

I’m having a hard time expressing why this one is funny to me, but I think it has to do with the strength of the two words. Wrest is such a strong, forceful word, and wrestle is more of a gridlocked thing. Somehow it makes the word wrestle more interesting realizing that it’s repeated wresting.


The last is joust and jostle. This is definitely a case of the two words having different strength.

Being jostled is mildly irritating. But being jousted! Ouch!

So next time you’re jostled in a crowd, just be glad it’s not a knight repeatedly jousting you, as the term would indicate.

Happy Reading!
